Frequently Asked Questions

Family Literacy Project

+ What happens if we can’t do 90 minutes per week approximately (1 – 2 song lessons per day)?

The 8-inch Tablet, headset, and carrying case must be returned to Sing Out and Read promptly. This will give another family a chance to participate in the FLiP program.

+ Will other kids in the family be able to use the program on the tablet?

Absolutely! We encourage the entire family to use the program and improve their reading skills. TUNE into READING offers songs for readers from Kindergarten to eighth grade.

+ What is the cost of the program?

The cost is currently zero to families that qualify. Expenses of the program are covered by donations and grants to Sing Out and READ, a FL 501(c)(3) org.

+ What is TUNE into READING?

TUNE into READING is a highly-engaging, computer-based, reading improvement program. Children think it’s a singing game, but they are practicing essential reading skills. Gains of 1 full year after 3 months of use are typical.

+ How long are the “check-in” meetings? What am I expected to do during these meetings?

Check-in meetings occur about every two weeks and last no longer than 15 minutes. These meetings are for you to ask questions, receive progress updates, and collect any incentives your reader has earned. (Due to Covid 19, these meetings are done virtually.)

+ How do I apply for a FLiP program?

You can fill out the FLiP application form below! You will be contacted within 2 weeks with more information. You can also email or call us at the contact info below.

+ How will participants be selected?

Priority will be given to families with 3rd grade children who are struggling with reading. Families not initially selected will have the opportunity to be put on a waiting list if they wish. As soon as a tablet becomes available, families will be notified from the waiting list.

+ Damaged Equipment Policy

We understand with young children using the tablets, some damage is going to occur. Let us know right away if the tablet is broken or lost and we will work individually with your family to develop a solution. The family will not be asked to pay for a replacement tablet, but the student may not be able to continue in the program.