C3 Media C3 Media

Song Folder

Kids pick a song from the song folder. There are lessons in each reading grade level K-8. Reading levels are adjusted according to a child’s reading progress.

Tablet showing the sing-to-read software and the library of songs children can choose from.

Kids pick a song from the song folder. There are lessons in each reading grade level K-8. Reading levels are adjusted according to a child’s reading progress.

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C3 Media C3 Media


Following along as syllables turn red, kids listen to the song sung to them 3 times.

Tablet with the sing-to-read software, showing a song being sung to the kids.

Following along as syllables turn red, kids listen to the song sung to them 3 times.

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C3 Media C3 Media


Kids hear and see a definition to clearly grasp meaning of vocabulary words.

Tablet depicting the sing-to-read software, depicting the vocabulary step in the FLiP program.

Kids hear and see a definition to clearly grasp meaning of vocabulary words.

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C3 Media C3 Media


Kids sing the lyrics 5 times through, in reality reading the words aloud each time.

Tablet showing the sing-to-read software, depicting the singing portion of the program.

Kids sing the lyrics 5 times through, in reality reading the words aloud each time.

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C3 Media C3 Media


Passing a vocabulary quiz earns points that allow a child to progress to the next song lesson.

Tablet showing the sing-to-read software, depicting the quiz portion of the program.

Passing a vocabulary quiz earns points that allow a child to progress to the next song lesson.

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