A Major League Solution to America's Reading Crisis

"Success comes from practice and dedication, both on and off the field," says Lawrence Butler, Major League Baseball player with the Oakland A's. But today, he's not talking about baseball – he's addressing one of America's most pressing educational crises. "This cause is personal for me. My father serves on the board of the Sing Out and READ Foundation, and together we're passionate about fighting illiteracy in our community."

A Crisis Hidden in Plain Sight

The statistics are staggering: two-thirds of children across America cannot read at grade level. But in Tampa Bay, Butler and the Sing Out and READ (SOAR) Foundation are changing that narrative.

"Right here in Tampa Bay, too many kids are falling behind," Butler explains, "and reading every day matters when the child is struggling. What makes Sing Out and Read different is our innovative combination of music and reading instruction. We found that singing helps kids learn to read more effectively."


The Power of 900 Minutes

The SOAR solution comes in the form of their Family Literacy Project (FLiP), an innovative program that combines music with reading instruction. "In just 900 minutes, that's all it takes to change a kid's life," Butler emphasizes. "Over 12 weeks, we've seen dramatic jumps in the kids' learning. Kids who were struggling now are excelling in every category."

The program's approach is revolutionary:

  • Personalized e-learning delivered directly to homes

  • Integration of music and reading instruction

  • One-on-one support from FLiP coaches

  • Comprehensive family engagement


A Critical Moment for Change

"Right now, children in our community are waiting for a chance to improve their reading skills," Butler urges. The good news? "Thanks to the Hough Family Foundation, every dollar that you give is automatically doubled up to $200,000."

This matching grant comes at a crucial time. SOAR has launched an ambitious $1.25 million initiative to expand its reach, with $440,000 already secured in donations and pledges. With the matching grant opportunity, they're positioned to reach $840,000 – 67% of their goal.


The Investment That Changes Lives

For just $500 per child – one-tenth the cost of traditional tutoring – SOAR can:

  • Provide tablets and specialized software

  • Support dedicated FLiP coaches

  • Deliver comprehensive reading instruction

  • Transform a struggling reader into a confident learner


Lawrence Butler of the Oakland A's with family

The Ripple Effect

The impact extends far beyond basic literacy. As Butler has witnessed, "I've seen firsthand how this program can transform lives."

Children who complete the program:

  • Advance one full reading grade level in just 12 weeks

  • Develop confidence in their learning abilities

  • Gain tools for lifelong academic success

  • Break the cycle of educational inequality

A Call to Action

As Butler reminds us, "Your support will have twice the impact. Visit singoutandread.org and learn how you can make a difference, and change these children's future."

The path from struggling reader to confident learner isn't just about education – it's about transformation. With SOAR's innovative approach and your support, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed through the power of reading.


Will you join Lawrence Butler and SOAR in this mission to transform young lives? Donate today to double your impact and help bridge the literacy gap in our community.


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