New Video Tells the Tale

How did our co-founder Carlo Franzblau, with a cigar catalog background, wind up using a singing program to help struggling readers? The best discoveries are by coincidence, of course.

To convey the full story of nonprofit Sing Out and READ, Carlo’s wife and co-founder Beth Franzblau, developed a 4-minute video storyline with SPARK Media producer Amy Mariani Wright.  Understanding the impact of Sing Out and READ required not only representation of achievement gap data and the rapid gains made using our sing-to-read program, but also interviews with community leaders striving to improve literacy in our at-risk communities. 

 “You’re helping our kids for the future.” - Vanessa Aloudior, FLiP Parent

Naturally, the most moving experiences are presented by the young readers themselves and their parents.  Please take a look at the video yourself and send us your comments. 


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