Say Goodbye to the COVID Slide

Social distancing means more at-home time, and more opportunity to make reading gains with a Sing Out and READ tablet.
Left Image: Two students, one has SOAR tablet and headset, smiling with teacher.  Right image: Close up of a girl reading on her tablet with the headset on.

During a “normal” summer, kids often slide back a bit from their achieved reading levels.  This summer nothing about life seems normal as we work to keep safe from the Coronavirus. Plus, at-risk kids may have already fallen further behind due to early Spring school closures.

Here’s the good news:  Sing Out and READ’s FLiP program (Family Literacy Project) was developed to work with at-risk kids in their homes using our program-loaded tablets.  In just three months’ time, when used as directed, kids will see average gains of 1 full year in reading comprehension.

This summer we’re aiming to serve 200 families with struggling readers in St. Petersburg, FL.  With your support, these kids will have Sing Out and READ tablets in their hands for the summer and they’ll make real reading agains.

In fact, of the two dozen kids who used our tablets at home last summer, 1/3 completed double the number of minutes requested for program participation.Reading fluency and comprehension improved for all, and reading became fun.

Click here to learn more about how you can make this summer count!


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